Hottest News on Social Media

Looking for a New Job? Get Link(ed)In

Most of us have been through the stress of preparing for a job interview at one point or another in our lives. Polishing up the resume, shopping for just the right business suit,  and brushing up on the best answer to the age old interview questions  about your strengths and weaknesses is now out of style. It seems that all of those traditional methods used to prepare for a job interview are not as important since the take off of social media.

Many employers have adopted social media as a new method to advertise and hire for open positions. Forget everything that you have learned about how to create the perfect resume. Creating a social media account and beefing up your online profile can make much more of a difference in the job market in 2010.

According to a survey done by Jobvite Inc, 83 percent of employers will use some form of social networking as a hiring tool in the next twelve months. LinkedIn was at the top of the list for employers who were planning to use social networking to hire new employees. 78% of the 600 hiring employers in the survey listed LinkedIn as a top choice for recruiting. Facebook followed with 55% and MySpace was the pick of 5% of those employers interviewed.

It seems that social media has rapidly replaced the standard resume which was once the most universal method used to sell oneself in the job market. Having a social media account and a dazzling profile is now the golden ticket to landing the perfect job. We have come to a place where the standard for getting your foot in the door is a well put-together profile and the ability to answer ‘yes’ to a potential employer when they ask if you are ‘linked in’.

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One Reply

  1. The job market is tough at the moment. There are not only fewer graduate jobs available, but there is more competition for the positions you may be interested in. In 2009 there were 44.3 applications for each graduate vacancy but this year the total is expected to be even higher as a backlog of unemployed graduates make

    This may sound gloomy but the good news is that with a little extra thought and research, you will have a chance to really shine.

    Social media has radically changed the way many companies approach the recruitment process. Today’s employers base their decisions on more than just a CV, they examine the complete package. Your social media footprint provides an insight into your interests, views, lifestyle and all sorts of other valuable information – this is all very well in your personal life, but let’s look at how you can maximize your online potential when setting out on the path to a new career:

    -Research where you need to be
    -Communicate intelligently
    -Consider your online reputation

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