Hottest News on Social Media

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How to Manage your Company’s Social Media On The Go

The good news about being a social media manager is that you never have to come in to work. You can work from home on your own schedule. The bad news is you never get to take a vacation. Social media management works best when you are putting out a constant stream of content. You want to take advantage of… Read more


How to Save Money on Insurance Using Facebook

The flood of advertising for affordable insurance is not limited to TV and print ads. Social network sites are now a place for insurance providers to offer discounts for safe, responsible drivers. Insurance companies maintain their own pages on Facebook and other similar media network sites, and visiting these pages may actually result in a savings on insurance. Although some… Read more

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Undroppable: Social Media is Being Used for a Documentary

Too many American students are not realizing the value of their education and are dropping out of school. Though schools have constantly enlisted the help of motivational speakers and guidance counselors, and though the rest of the world has been witness to public service announcements, these tactics are no longer having the same effect. The structure of our world has… Read more


Social Media Keyboard Shortcuts Cheatsheet (Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus)

Nowadays most of us use at least three social media sites (Twitter, Facebook and Google Plus). While it is really hard to choose between Facebook and Twitter (they are too different, so we use both), it’s almost impossible to get away from Google Plus is you use other Google’s projects like Gmail (so we are forced to sue that one… Read more


Bing’s Social Sidebar And What It Means For SEO

This month, Bing announced their Social Sidebar – well timed for just a few weeks after uproar in the SEO industry from the Google Penguin update, and a few days before Facebook’s IPO. As their market share of search creeps up – and as users in blind trials say they prefer Bing results to Google – is it time to… Read more


Google+ for iPhone: One Killer App, One Major Problem

The new Google+ iPhone app blows away a few widely held assumptions, captures the hearts and minds of reviewers, and begs the question: is even a clear victory going to be enough to make Google+ a household name? There’s no way to talk about the Google+ app without talking about the things Google usually does, and didn’t do this time.… Read more


Languages Are Sexy: SociaLingo Helps You Communicate on Social Media

Did you know that 50% of social media users communicate in languages other than English? Can you imagine the potential reach for your business if you were able to translate your content into some of the top languages on social media? Social media translations may not be for everyone – private users, who share for the sake of sharing, and… Read more

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Capsule: Private Sharing on Social Network

In recent times, social media users have become more and more accepting of lax privacy settings. So much so, that it no longer remains a priority for many sites. Facebook itself over the recent years has changed their privacy policies so many times that keeping track of the current stance can be a nuisance. For the highly paranoid it can… Read more


Teaching in a Digital Classroom

As time marches steadily forward and the technology around us continues to push its way more deeply into our lives, both personal and professional, the question of how to best educate our population is raised over and over again. With the shared understanding that, whether welcomed or not, high technology is currently making its place known in schools of all… Read more


Using Social Media For Reputation Management

Many businesses go online and find out their reputations are being muddied by a few vindictive customers and some competitors running negative ad campaigns (that’s right, it’s not just for politics). There are any number of reasons why your company brand may receive negative attention in the news that can multiply exponentially and create trouble. Here are a few ways… Read more

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