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Languages Are Sexy: SociaLingo Helps You Communicate on Social Media

Did you know that 50% of social media users communicate in languages other than English? Can you imagine the potential reach for your business if you were able to translate your content into some of the top languages on social media?

Social media translations may not be for everyone – private users, who share for the sake of sharing, and who only communicate their thoughts with family and friends, have no use for it. But businesses that want to reach international audiences and plan to expand their digital footprint, need, and should, translate at least some of their most important updates into those foreign languages that are the most relevant for their target audiences.

A travel business in Albania may want to translate updates in Italian and Greek, to attract tourists from these neighboring countries, but also in German, English, French and Spanish, to raise awareness among tourists from the European Union. The same principle applies for any other business that needs to raise awareness internationally. E-commerce sites that ship internationally, should announce their special offers and promotions via social media in as many languages as it makes sense. And so on.

Usually, big brands like Pepsi, Nokia, Nike, etc., keep their international branches separate, creating a different social media profile for each country, or at least for each language. Smaller businesses can get by with one profile featuring occasional updates, that don’t break the bank. There are different solutions to serve the scope – some free (like translation engines), some paid, but none as refined as SociaLingo, the first near real-time translation service in the social media realm.

SociaLingo is the professional alternative to free online translation tools like Google Translate and Babel Fish, that, despite being very refined, still cannot replace human translations. All SociaLingo social media translations are 100% human translations, by native certified translators. There are no machines or translation engines involved. To make the service even more attractive, ComTranslations offers customers a flexible SociaLingo monthly package, which guarantees an ongoing service at discounted rates. What do you think? Would you use a social media translation service? And can you think of applications for SociaLingo and similar services in your business?

Image credit: Marketing Online

Posted in Social Media Tools.

One Reply

  1. In countries in Asia, it is said that most users do their post in their own language. So it really helps in the communication.

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