Hottest News on Social Media

Geo-Mapping Your Way to That Dream Home [Infographic]

  • June 25th, 2013 by Phil
Now that social media is being adopted by everyone from the corporate board room to the owner of the local pet shop, the next generation of fully social tools and utilities will surely be full mobile. Smartphone use continues to grow with 200 million plus device users in the US alone. One novel but very useful way some demographics user… Read more

Facebook Deals the Next Card

  • February 1st, 2011 by SEM Contributor
It was announced on Monday that Facebook deals would be launching in Europe and the UK in the very near future. The extension of Facebook’s places function which is already established in the U.S has signed up major partners including O2, Debenams and Alton Towers already. This will add a new string to the digital media marketing bow for many… Read more

Dining Out Apparently Means More Than Eating to Socially Active Consumers

  • January 25th, 2011 by Tisha Tolar
Repeat business is the bread and butter for most restaurants and bars in any location. These business rely on their neighbor’s going out routines to remain unchanged and they are happy to always be ready with good food and drinks for their loyal patrons.… Read more

Groupon Declines $6 Billion Offer from Google

  • December 20th, 2010 by Damian Davila
Groupon’s CEO, 30-year old Andrew Mason, has just joined the Hall of Fame of Entrepreneurs that say no to a lot of money. Just like Facebook’s Zuckerberg did to Yahoo! and MTV Networks just a few years ago, Groupon has declined the $6 billion offer from Google. There are both supporters and critics of Groupon’s snub to Google, but nobody… Read more

Zenergo: Less Chatter, More Matter

  • October 27th, 2010 by Ann Smarty
Zenergo is a social media promotion site which combines location based services with activity orientated networking. The aim of the site is to allow people to find and promote events based on activities they love, not only within Zenergo but across most of web 2.0 as well. Aesthetically the site is fairly minimalistic, in a good, clean way. Users can… Read more

Neer: Personal Social Based Networking

  • September 1st, 2010 by Ann Smarty
Geo-location based check-in sites have started to become all the rage recently. Foursquare and Gowalla have shown just how ready some people are to announce their favorite locations to the entire world, with millions have signed up to try out the latest craze in mobile media since its arrival last year. New start-up Neerlife differentiates itself from the crowd by… Read more