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How to Use Instagram for Business

instagramHow to Use Instagram for Business

Instagram is a social network where millions of photos are shared on a daily basis. As a result, many companies are now realizing the benefits of using this network as a tool for marketing their products and services. Here are some tips which will help you make the most of Instagram.

1. Use a common social media profile name

It would be advisable to use the same name for all your social media profiles (Twitter, Facebook, Google+ etc.) This will make it easier for your audience to identify you on all social media networks. In addition, you will be able to share photos widely and thus have a greater reach.

2. Use engaging hashtags

It would be advisable to use hashtags related to the topic, location and event. This will make it possible for individuals who are not among your followers to access your profile. However, don’t make the mistake of using too many hashtags since this might be taken as spam. Only two or three would suffice.

3. Build community

Being a social network, Instagram offers a great opportunity for building community. Take time to research and connect with people who might want to know more about the services and products you offer.  You can find such people by searching using keywords related to your niche. Don’t just publish content which is obviously self-promotional. Instead, think of what would be beneficial to the entire community. Take time to visit other users’ feeds and share anything you find interesting.

4. Promote events

Whenever you host or attend a special event, create a hashtag and use it to mark the photos posted. This will create more awareness about your products and services, as well as encourage people to attend the next event. It would also be advisable to post the photos on your Facebook page or timeline. This will make it easier for people to share these photos with others.

5. Post frequently

Though Instagram is not as active as Twitter of Facebook, it is very important to update your feed regularly. About 2-3 updates in a day is enough to keep your followers engaged.

6. Offer ‘back-stage’ access

Most of your customers and prospects would want to know what goes on behind the scene at your company. Posting photos of your staff at work or having fun will give your company or business a human touch. If you manufacture your own products, you could consider posting photos showing how it is done stage by stage. People will be grateful to know some of these behind-the-scene stories.

7. Interact

Take time to interact and engage with other people in your network. Instagram has features which allow you to like and comment on other people’s photos. When you show interest in what other people are doing, they are likely to return the favor.

8. Get your followers involved

You can get your followers involved in your marketing efforts by asking them to post photos of themselves using your service or product. Such photos will help you enhance the credibility of your brand.

Zubin Kutar is the founder of an internet marketing blog where accomplished writers and bloggers share their tips, strategies and stories. Read some of his motivational posts and connect with him on Google +

Image Credit: instagram.

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  1. Great Article. Thanks

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