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What Functions Can Email Marketing Software Provide Me With?

email-marketingIn order to ensure that you are running your business as best as you can, you will probably have undertaken a great deal of research. This is very sensible and although you will have found some information that appears to conflict and contrast with what other experts have said, there will be a lot of information that is repeated time and time again. If you are looking to make money online, you will be told that “the money is in the list” and if you want to make money, you better have access to a list. Some people feel that social media sites like Facebook provide them with the list that they need but in reality, the best list you can have is an email list.

If you think about how you or your friends use Facebook, are you really in a buying mood? Facebook is generally seen as a social place to hang out and you don’t always think about looking for great products or services there. There is no doubt that Facebook is getting better for businesses looking to reach out to a particular audience but when it comes to making leads and converting people into buyers, there is still nothing to compare with an email list.

This means that you should be looking to use this to your advantage but if you say that you don’t have the:

  • Time
  • Skills
  • Confidence
  • Money
  • Knowledge

To set up an email list and then use it as a platform for making money, don’t worry because help is at hand. Email marketing software provides you with all the help and assistance you need when it comes to making the most of your list and if you haven’t invested in an affordable yet effective email marketing software provider yet, it is time for you to do so.

Some of the key benefits of email marketing software include:

  • Providing assistance in maintaining mailing lists
  • Providing analysis on the relative success of a campaign
  • Templates
  • Personalising your communication with clients
  • Auto response capabilities

Providing assistance in maintaining mailing lists

Knowing that your system is looking after your mailing list is a great comfort to many users. You will find that email marketing systems even have the ability to judge whether an email you are mailing to is in use. If an email bounces back on a regular or notable basis, the system will stop sending messages to this client, saving time and effort on your behalf. If you aren’t going to make a sale, it is best to move away from the client so you aren’t losing anything by this action.

Providing analysis on the relative success of a campaign

No matter what activity you undertake in business, it is crucial that you know if it is a success or not. This is one of the strongest areas of an email marketing system because it will ensure you receive data on the success or failure of your email campaign. You can find out how many people opened your emails, how many clicked on hyperlinks, what hyperlink people clicked on, the number of unsubscribe requests and other data that can be of benefit when it comes to evaluating a campaign.


One of the reasons that many people say that they don’t carry out email campaigns is down to the fact that they don’t have design skills. It is often better to not send out an email as opposed to sending out an email that looks terrible. However, you will find that email marketing software providers will provide templates and plenty of design assistance. This will ensure that you are able to send out professional looking emails, which will give you the best chance of creating a connection with your audience.

Personalising your communication with clients

When it comes to achieving success with emails, you need to make sure that you address the user in a personal way. You may think that personalising each email you send out will take too long but this is where the beauty of the email marketing software comes to the fore. The software can address every email to the person’s name and if the list has been sorted into demographics or groups, more focused information can be provided to the user.

Auto response capabilities

A lot of people worry about not responding in time or having to spend days and nights in front of the computer to respond to clients. A good quality email marketing software provider will ensure that this is taken care of for you.

Andrew Reilly is a freelance writer with a focus on news stories and consumer interest articles. He has been writing professionally for 8 years but has been writing for as long as he can care to remember. When Andrew isn’t sat behind a laptop or researching a story, he will be found watching a gig or a game of football.

Posted in Social Networking.

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