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Social Media May Be Running Your Life

What would life be like without a cell phone, computer and all the social media links associated with them? A new study labelled “24 Hours Unplugged” asked college students to resist the use of social media links including cell phones and computer use for 24 hours. They lived to write about it.

And write they did. The 200 students who took part in the study submitted the equivalent to a 400 page novel. Not bad for people who are used to getting their point across in 140 characters.

The director of the study, Susan Moeller, a Journalism Professor at the University of Maryland, identified that the students admitted to being addicted to social media. They wrote that they did not like loosing their personal connections. They didn’t like going to places if they couldn’t get in touch and keep in touch with someone.

They had also identified that not being able to listen to their music, was a big downer and they had found it down right boring. One student was astounded to find her addiction to media was so strong and was “sickened” by it. “Alone and secluded” was how one student identified his feelings. Even when attending classes with thousands of other students, not being able to communicate via texting, Facebook or Instant Messaging left one student feeling anxious and alone.

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3 Replies

  1. lol to funny. It’s not ruining my life.,.. but damn I was a lot cooler before SM.

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