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Is Facebok the Modern-Day “Little Black Book”?

Facebok the Modern-Day “Little Black Book”

Facebook and other social media sites are easy ways for old friends to reconnect and long-lost relatives to get caught up on family happenings. But they’re also being used in another way, particularly Facebook. Divorce attorneys have started looking at the activity of suspected philandering spouses to determine if any shared information could be used as evidence in court. 

There has been a reported increase in social media’s impact on rekindling old flames. As more people are reconnecting with their past, incidents of affairs and divorces are on the rise. It’s risky to post private information on someone’s ‘wall’, as it becomes public information and any other user can read it, but it’s particularly bold to post anything that could be construed as flirtatious or suggestive.  Just like a voice mail or text message, these types of exchanges could easily come back to haunt the user.

Facebook and sites like it could become the modern-day “little black book”, in a way, as user activity can actually be traced more easily than phone records. If there are already suspicions of cheating, such postings could be the final straw for the marriage. Divorce attorneys are well aware of this, of course, but with the popularity of social media sites growing so rapidly, they are paying closer attention to what is shared.

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