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Facebook: The New Requirement in Academia

Facebook future

The number of uses for the Internet is limitless in today’s society.  Knowledge and the ability to use and understand social media is almost a prerequisite for anyone in the workforce. Students, teachers, and employers have found that tools like Facebook have an essential place in today’s world.  Schools use the online tools for purposes of both learning and for teaching.  Students today need to know how technology has allowed us to advance as a society and in turn how they can use it to advance individually.   Social media sites and other online resources are used to advertise and network, both crucial for survival.  Online resources have given us a way to teach learn and communicate across the world with the click of a mouse.  

There was an article recently discussed in the Chronical of Higher Education where two reputable universities began incorporating Facebook applications into their educational curriculums.  At Penn State the online campus began a new requirement for school advisors to offer available times each week for meeting with students online through Facebook.  At Illinois State another professor requires students to use Facebook as a part of their management systems course.   The ultimate purpose is to introduce students to the power of an on-line presence.  The idea of students and advisors using social media tools as a part of their curriculum for study is becoming a more familiar concept.  Belonging to an on-line community is viewed as both requirement and a necessity for those entering into the workforce in an age where social media is at its peak.

Let’s ‘face’ it; Facebook and other social networking sites have become the new wave of the future.  Employers use it, job hunters use it and it has now made its way into the classroom.  Those who do not have facebook accounts these days are in the minority.  The idea of social networking has been embraced by society and is slowly becoming more of a requirement for life it today’s world than as a luxury.

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