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8 Social Media Mistakes You’re Making Right Now

Social media marketing surely isn’t faltering anytime soon. This is why you should look into your current campaigns and try to optimize them to the max. However, when doing so, it’s easy to fall victim to some of the common social media mistakes, and these mistakes can really be disastrous for your business.

To prevent this, let us talk about the 8 most common social media mistakes that business owners are making.

1. Bad Planning

Some business owners think that working on social media marketing doesn’t call for a plan. Jumping right in and taking it one day at a time should do it, right? Nope!

It doesn’t work this way. A plan should be implemented because you have to make sure that you have the resources to retain your social media presence and continue making conversions.

2. Inactivity

Setting up a profile and posting here and there won’t take you very far. You don’t just set it up and leave it at that. To achieve a solid social media presence, you have to keep your profiles active. And going back to the previous point – a plan will help you a lot with that.

3. Inconsistency

Your business brand and message should be consistent across all your social media channels. People always look online first before they actually do business with a company. If your business branding is inconsistent, customers will get confused.

4. Lack of Audience Understanding

What you should always keep in mind is that every person in the social media sphere is different, which means that you should make it a priority to understand your business’ target audience. When you understand them, that’s when you’ll know how to reach out to them and connect with them better. In social media, nothing is one-size-fits all.

5. Not Social Enough

Why are you jumping into social media marketing anyway? Because you want to get up close and personal with your market. Hence, you must be social. Posting content, uploading images, tweeting here and there isn’t everything that being social is about. You have to interact with your audience, talk to them, engage with them – that’s what being social truly is.

6. Faking Controversies

Some businesses really do fake controversies just to get hits on their profiles. Even if you get a lot of visits, comments and shares by doing so, it’s not worth it in the long run. You will lose your credibility and once it’s tainted, your audience will lose trust in your brand. It’s just a foolproof way to lose customers.

7. Being in the Make Money Mindset All the Time

Yes you want to make money, but if all your efforts reek of selling your product or service, your audience will turn away. Again, you are jumping into social media because you want to get personal, to socialize and to engage. Shoving your business down your audience’s throat will just destroy your relationship with them. Show that you care, show that you value them, show them that it is not just about the money for you.

8. Not Responding Personally

When your followers complain (ask or post negative feedback), you shouldn’t answer with a template response. As mentioned, there’s no one-size-fits-all in social media. Personalize your response and take the time to do so. The extra effort is worth it if it can strengthen your relationship with your customer. Moreover, never ever delete or ignore complaints, questions or feedback from your people. This is just bad manners.

These common social media mistakes can lead to social media suicide if you don’t devote yourself to doing things properly. You only have one chance to make it good in the world of social media.

Carrie is a writer and blogger. She’s all about learning the ways of using social media for business purposes and sharing the knowledge with other people.

Posted in Social Networking.

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