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Unleash the Hipster Inside Your iPhone

pocket hipster
The Pocket Hispter iPhone app (available for both iPhone and iPad) evaluates your iTunes playlist, then makes recommendations with the attitude of an artsy, edgy hipster. This startup has been raved for its creative take and high regard for visual aesthetics such as the design of the 4 characters (pictured above) that will interact with you while using the app.

About Pocket Hipster

This app is backed by We Are Hunted, one of the world’s best indie music sites, Australian creative agency Josephmark, and leading music intelligence platform The Echo Nest.
pocket hipster screenshot
The main premise of the app is that you will interact with these comic characters (who talk about eBay, protesting at animal rights conventions and acquiring fixies) and when you click on a little musical note icon in the lower-right-hand corner, a song from your own iTunes plays, and the character berates you for your taste. She or he then suggests a playable track list of jams (previews only), which you can then buy on iTunes.
pocket hipster screenshot 2

Sample of Hipster Humor

Here are some sample quotes from the Pocket Hipster characters:

“I’ve got a hat made from the beard of a homeless guy who passed out next to The Klaxons studio. It’s pretty cool.” Sebastian Fowler, Pocket Hipster (hipster with the bike, the one with the moustache).

“My work has been called everything from ‘irritatingly inscrutable’ to ‘appallingly narcissistic.’ But you know, they said the same thing about Socrates, and he is easily my favourite Canadian rapper.” Delilah Delavigne, Pocket Hipster (the girl with the dress and black-rimmed glasses).

Unleash the music-critiquing hipster inside your iPhone with Pocket Hipster at

Damian Davila is a tech blogger, who also shows you a good list of 4 radio apps for the iPhone. Follow him on Twitter at @idaconcpts.

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