Hottest News on Social Media

The Social Media Don’ts List

There are quite a few things that should not be done through social media, no matter how appropriate you may think that they are at the time.

Since everyone and their grandmother is literally on Facebook, and celebrities are using Twitter to have public fights, it is about time that social media gets reined in by avoiding these fatal mistakes.

    • Potential Pregnancy: Unless you have confirmed with a doctor that you are absolutely pregnant, there is no reason to broadcast a potential pregnancy online. This is something that will be spread to the masses, it may freak out your friends, and worst of all, you could be wrong.
    • Breakups: Anytime that a breakup is done through social media, it is absolutely degrading. If that is the case, at least don’t make it public, but try to have the decency to call someone or meet them face to face to let them down for good.
    • Tragedy: If someone you know has a serious disease, death in the family, or has even attempted suicide, that is something that should be kept private. They may not want the information spread throughout Facebook, so don’t be the one to do it.
    • Schedule Updates: Telling people where you are every second of the day is mind numbingly boring, and there really is no point to it. Unless you have something clever to say about watching American Idol, then you may want to think about keeping it to yourself.
    • Drunkenness: If you are drunk, you should ask someone to take your phone away from you when it comes to Facebook and Twitter. This is something that could be spread to your coworkers or potential employers, which may mar your reputation more than you had hoped.

      Overall, these simple tips to make a serious difference in keeping your interactions with social media conflict-free! Thank goodness.

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