Hottest News on Social Media


  • October 4th, 2011 by SEM Contributor
Foursquare has finally reached the milestone of one billion check-ins this week. The mobile app has had a continuous rise in popularity, and considering it was released in 2009, a substantial amount of activity has happened on the network. For those who are not aware of the phenomenon that is Foursquare, it is a location based social network where you… Read more

Be Part of Single Social Graph with One True Fan

  • February 2nd, 2011 by Cijo Abraham Mani
One True Fan is a new social media start-up that use social gaming technique to make users part of the single social graph. Social gaming is expected to be the next biggest thing as it integrates with social media. The game theory used in the website makes it stand out from other networks. The check-in’s you perform on every website… Read more