Hottest News on Social Media

Why Social Media Isn’t Going to be Powering Search Engines

  • June 7th, 2011 by SEM Contributor
Since Google announced that they had been using social signals from sites like Twitter and Facebook as a ranking factor, there has been a lot of buzz involving using social media to improve ranking positions. Some blogs even tested this and proved that social signals (tweets in this case) can influence rank. It’s pretty clear then that despite the fact… Read more

Google Labs To Allow Searches for Social Content

  • October 21st, 2009 by Tisha Tolar
At the Web 2.0 Summit in San Francisco, CA, the VP of Google announced that a new Google Labs experiment will be starting soon. The latest experiment will help searches find information from their social network contacts with every Google search. The project will be launching in the next few weeks. In order to use the service effectively, you have… Read more