Hottest News on Social Media

Make a Social Push for Mobile Payments

  • February 5th, 2013 by SEM Contributor
In a day and age when the small business owner must provide his or her customers with what they want yesterday and not today, it makes sense to offer them a wide range of products, services, and payment options. With that being said, where do mobile payments rank on your list as far as important options for your customers? For… Read more

Will You Make Your Business More Mobile in 2013?

  • December 18th, 2012 by SEM Contributor
As the New Year draws closer, it is likely that more and more companies will look at what well-known brands like Starbucks (more than 17,000 stores worldwide) and Dunkin’ Donuts (2,600 stores in 30 countries) have done to become more mobile. Being more mobile and engaging in social media to promote such customer activity, both companies have continued to grow… Read more

The 5 Hottest Start Ups in Australia

  • December 19th, 2011 by SEM Contributor
Australia is fast becoming one of the hottest spots in the world where entrepreneurs can meet success. Whether it is technology, travel, cuisine or any other industry, there is a huge market in Australia with lots of room for growth. Below are just a very few startups whose owners have taken advantage of the venture capital opportunities, favorable tax policies… Read more

Instant Translation with the World Lens iPhone App

  • October 19th, 2011 by Damian Davila
Developed by Quest Visual, the World Lends iPhone app is a real-time pocket-size translator that empowers you to translate any text from English to Spanish, and viceversa.

A Potential Game Changer

Former video game code, 36-year older Otavio Good is the brains behind World Lens iPhone app. After selling his video game startup Secret Level to SEGA for $15 million… Read more

Top 5 Social Media Predictions for 2011

  • January 6th, 2011 by SEM Contributor
2010, while not the year when social media ‘really took off’ as many will say, it hit the mainstream a long time before that, it did see the major networks, Twitter and Facebook drawing in some really impressive figures. Facebook, the world’s most popular social network surpassed the 500 million mark, while Twitter closed in on the coveted 100 million… Read more

Pulse.To Makes Mass Texting Easy

  • October 4th, 2010 by Ann Smarty
Are you one of the many people that regularly sends text messages instead of a phone call or email? If so, then you should give Pulse.To a try, a new web and phone based social platform, built around mass text messaging. Being able to send a specific text to more than one person is nothing new, in fact most modern… Read more