Hottest News on Social Media

5 Ways Watching Commercials Can Help Your Blogging

  • March 10th, 2011 by SEM Contributor
Have you ever heard someone say that they watch the Super Bowl just for the commercials?  These ads are notorious for being some of the best commercials of the year.  But think about the power of a statement like that.  People are saying that they WANT to watch a shameless promotion of a product or service. This debunks the myth… Read more

Social Media Unleashes Some of the Best Travel Deals In Town

  • October 8th, 2009 by Tisha Tolar
People who think social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter, revolve solely on celebrity feuds or old friends catching up might just being missing out on the deal of the century. Many big businesses like airline or national retailers are quick to Tweet a deal before the word spread through other mediums.… Read more

Nostradamical Invites to Rise as an Oracle of the Future

  • January 19th, 2009 by Ann Smarty
Nostradamical is a new social network that invites people to post their predictions and rate and comment predictions submitted by others.… Read more