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Grow Your Social Capital with Empire Avenue

If you loved playing Monopoly as a kid and you are currently obsessed with keeping tabs with all of your social media presences, there is a perfect tool now available for you: Empire Avenue.

empire avenue logo

What is Empire Avenue?

According to Wikipedia, Empire Avenue is a stock market simulation social network game that allows users to buy and sell shares of people and websites. This social media exchange first operated as an invitation-only closed beta in February 2010. Later in  July 2010, the site went live allowing all users to register for free.

Empire Avenue mimics the objective of any real-life stock market: maximize your wealth by choosing investments wisely based on their ultimate ROI for every Eave (Empire Ave currency) you spend. Besides allowing you to buy and sell shares on social media users and websites, the site will generate a composite score that measures the overall traction that you have on each of your social media networks.

How do I Win in Empire Avenue?

Easy there, Rich Uncle Moneybags (a.k.a “Mr. Monopoly”)! While Empire Avenue is a highly competitive social network, there is no one measure to determine when you win. However, the developers do provide a list of potential goals:

1. Unlock all the Achievements related to expanding shareholders

Similar to Foursquare’s badge system, Empire Avenue also features an achievement list. Most members of the Empire Avenue team have a gaming background (mostly from BioWare ULC, now an Electronic Arts division), so they are constantly adding badges to the list.

2. Get on your local, country, community or global leaderboards for share price

Compete with your local Twitter followers and Facebook friends. Nothing brings more satisfaction than telling somebody: “Hey, I’m worth more than you!”

3. Become a Millionaire on Empire Avenue

This objective is suitable for active content creators in social media platforms. You can use Empire Avenue to build an audience across multiple networks, through blogs, Twitter, Facebook, Flickr, YouTube and, of course, Empire Avenue and its Communities. The more active you are in social networks, the more people will be interested in buying your stock, and the higher your stock price will go.

4. Become a Billionaire on Empire Avenue

If you’re more passive, you can still reap big rewards in Empire Avenue.  If you check out other people’s content and spend a lot of  time watching YouTube videos and going through Flickr photostreams, then you would be more suitable to invest in lots of shares from different active persons. Every day you will receive dividends from your shares and be on your way to becoming a billionaire on Empire Avenue. This is one of the fastest ways to amass wealth in Empire Avenue: diversify your portfolio.

Grow your social capital with Empire Avenue at

By Damian Davila, online marketing and Internet news blogger. Follow him on Twitter at @idaconcpts.

Posted in Social Media Tools. Tags:

11 Replies

  1. Hi Damian. Thanks for your sharing. Great article!

  2. excelente tema, muy buen contenido.

  3. Nie share, I used to actually play this as a kid with a pen and paper with my dad as a way of making me more aware of the markets, investments and how to cash in. nice to see its online.

  4. @Andrew Thank you Andrew. Glad you liked. Are you on Empire Avenue?

    @Rene Muy agradecido. Saludos desde Hawaii!

    @Danika My parents were not that much into Monopoly. LOL. But glad to see yours were! :)

  5. very helpful content. thanks, Damian!

  6. @Sapir Thank you, glad you enjoyed it.

  7. Hi there, Damian,
    I am afraid these things can be time consuming and addictive. I experience such problem when I play Angry Birds…honestly, I didn’t hear before for Empire Avenue,so I will check it in more details. Thanks for sharing!

  8. bubbles Jul 2nd 2011

    Glad to know this update! Thanks for sharing this kind of information. i really find it interesting and very much of help.

  9. randykukuru Jul 3rd 2011

    This information is really interesting. Thanks for the updates like this. Great article by the way.

  10. Your post really helped me to understanding the growing social capital with empire marketing. It has great details and yet it is easy to understand.
    That’s what i was looking for. I will definately share it with others.

    Thanks for sharing.

  11. @Kristina Actually I have never tried Angry Birds. I spent too much time on Mafia Wars anyways. LOL. Gotta keep those time-suckers in check. Empire Avenue is pretty interesting and it does allow you to discover new interesting tweeps.

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