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Farmville Maker Zynga Raises $180 Million

Farmville Maker Zynga Faises $180 Million

Tired of all those Farmville updates from your friends asking you to weed their gardens, fertilize their blueberries and send you gifts? Well you probably won’t be too happy at the news that Farmville’s creator Zynga is now valued at between $1.5 and $3 billion thanks to the $180 million that Digital Sky Technologies (D.S.T) has dropped on the company.

This is the same company that bought $200 million worth of stocks in Facebook a few months back. This means that D.S.T will not only control $180 million worth of stocks but it has shot up the price of Zynga.

We shouldn’t be too surprised however as back in November EA spent between $300-$400 million to acquire Playfish which is another company that makes a very popular game on Facebook.

So if you’re looking to go into gaming and not sure if Modern Warfare 2 can compete against Farmville, the answer is yes.

This of course raises the question as to whether these are inflated numbers or not? Remember at the end of the 90’s when the .com bubble crashed because of all those overpriced companies? I’m not saying that Facebook might not value $10 billion but are these numbers adjusted for inflation.

Yes social networks do seem to carry the swing, but can they survive into the next generation, or will they be seen as a fad of the early 21 century as technologies continue to increase?

VIA: Mashable

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