Hottest News on Social Media

Facebook, Why Would You Get on My Nerves?

OK, I get it, developing usable websites is not easy and when you develop some new feature, in may overlap and even break some old one, but some Facebook bugs seem to have been created on purpose.

So Facebook is all for friendships and it would consistently suggest you new friends to add:

Facebook bugs

But why am I always suggested people that cannot be invited? They either have “too many friend requests” already:

Facebook bugs

… or they might not know me:

Facebook bugs

So I get it, I can’t add everyone and this is done to prevent friend-request-spamming. But WHY would it first suggest and then prevent me from doing that?

A note aside (just because I am so irritated) After joining Facebook, my brother wasn’t even able to add me to friends because Facebook thought he might not be related to me. And there was no way to change it.

So why would Facebook get on my nerves?

Post img by sammybigtoesure

Posted in Social Networking. Tags: ,

2 Replies

  1. It seems that the social media sites and communications programs personally peeve and distract those folks the online advertising campaigns were meant to entice.

    Many times a Facebook friendship recommendation proves itself to be nothing more than a blatant attempt at crass commercial advertising, personal puffery and spam content filled with pure and absolute tripe.

    Friends and family members you want to add your own personal Facebook site are blocked from doing so by reasons that are difficult for the non techie to understand and clouded by technical jargon meant to confuse a newbie and defuse a person’s anger and search for an honest answer.

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