Hottest News on Social Media

Facebook Vanity Shows Signs of Insecurity

A new study of social networking shows that women who upload a ton of self-snapped photos of themselves are having trouble with self-esteem issues and are using the social sites to garner attention for themselves.

In fact, many have been shown to use social sites like Facebook to directly compete for that attention.

The researchers checked out the amount of time the subjects spent managing their profile and how many pictures of themselves they shared on the sites. They also took into consideration how many friends and networking contacts a person has and how their friending behavior was approached, noting the times when promiscuous characteristics were employed to make friends and network connections.

Facebook in particular has shown to be the site people use as a source of self-esteem generation. Self image played a bigger part in the habits of women on the site than with men. The study shows that more women were using the site to assert images of self-worth and relied on their physical appearance in the photos they were uploading. It was suggested the constant posting of photos of self was meant to be a form of advertising.

Social media experts recommend serious consideration when posting questionable pictures and information about yourself online in this day and age. Social networking avenues span more than just your family and friends. Potential employers, lawyers, law enforcement, and other people of importance likely have access to the content you are putting out there for the world to see. More than just your self esteem can be damaged when TMI is offered up socially.

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3 Replies

  1. Agreed…social networking is for braggarts, social misfits, rejects, insecure back slapping weirdos, get out side and meet people…make a phone call ….its a weird unhealthy flatform to brag about how good you are how smart how goodlooking, how successful…living in the twilight zone on the unhealthy internet is sick. Ring your friends for a game of for coffee…sad people with massive complexes, it should be banned. Gratutitous backslappers waiting desperately for grovelling comments under selfies, all to boost their non existent egos of those desperate for stranger ‘friends’ and validation that they are great people who have made it. Sad.

  2. Also, slander and character assassination happens with defamation so ruining peoples names…addresses are published as well..its quite an evil ,unhealthy place as bad as twitter, hopefully these places will eventually close down.

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