Hottest News on Social Media

The Baby Boomers Understand the Need for Etiquette on Social Media

Once upon a time there was a lady called Ann Landers who wrote a syndicated column in the USA which advised people what to do in situations.

Miss Manners has for many years been the source of information for how to behave in social situations

Baby Boomers found that in dealing with the wider and more complicated world, sources like Ann Landers, Miss Manners, Roberts Rules for Meetings, helped cope with the world.

And they were part of the creation on the web of Netiquette. Netiquette has been around since before the World Wide Web. Its purpose is to help people know how not to offend when writing emails, posting to web sites, forums, commenting on blogs, interacting on social media.

One thing that Baby Boomers know is that unless you know the rules, you cannot effectively break them.

When you visit THE CORE RULES OF NETIQUETTE you will find the rules excerpted from the book Netiquette by Virginia Shea.

There are a couple of rules that are really important to keep in mind. These are

  • Respect other people’s privacy – the golden rule of doing onto others as you would have them do onto you is important and remember once you put it out there, you can’t take it back and all of the apologies in the world will not fix a wrong impression or action
  • You are human, they are human and we are all different and on line you need to respect the differences because again, if you make a mistake, it can haunt you for a VERY long time. Tolerance, understanding and consideration are as important in cyberspace as they are in the everyday world.
  • Be polite, be considerate, be kind and be truthful.  Be careful – sometimes if you hit the wrong key, you can’t undo. Never add, send, forward or re… (tweet)(post) anything until you have thought about it.

Enjoy being on line but remember that while you don’t see people in the same way, they are watching you, your actions and your behaviour.

How do you want to be thought about?

Roberta is a keynote speaker, facilitator and mentor. You can find her through which links to her blogs, articles, ebooks and speaking.

cc licensed flickr photo shared by lawgeek

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