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Does It Matter Who Your Twitter Followers Are?

twitter followersMany companies using Twitter focus on their total number of followers, and don’t take the time to find out who those followers are. But finding out a little more about your followers can make all the difference to your social media campaign.

Here are a few things to keep in mind when managing your business Twitter account:

Why You Need to Know Who Follows You

There are several benefits to taking the time to learn who, exactly, your followers are.

The most obvious one is that you’ll be able to tailor your messages to appeal to the kinds of people who follow you, boosting your chances of engaging personally with them.

But there are other reasons to do a little research on your followers.

For example, if you know the majority of them live in a certain geographic region, you can target messages and promotions for that region. The same goes for other demographic details of your audience. On that note:

Importance of Segmentation

You may be familiar with the concept from other marketing efforts.

Segmentation is dividing a group (in this case, your Twitter followers) into smaller groups based on certain characteristics. You can segment by age, geographic location, how they engage with your brand, and other factors.

The major benefit of this segmentation is that you can create messages relevant to each segment, providing a more personal connection for your audience.

This practice also provides a way for you to track the activity of your followers, providing better insight into their interests and needs.

Analytic Software Can Help

Twitter analytics tools can help you track important information about your followers and how they interact with you. This makes your audience research a little easier, and will give you a roadmap for effective Twitter campaigns.

A few metrics to look for from a good analytics tool include:

  • Click counts on each link you share
  • Which of your tweets bring the most audience engagement
  • Mentions of your brand and Twitter handle
  • The reach of each of your tweets
  • Follower demographics
  • Follower interests

Keeping Track of Competitors

Analyzing your followers doesn’t just give you information on your customers. It can also help you keep track of your competitors’ campaigns.

You can pay attention to your audience’s mentions and interactions with competing brands, which gives you some insight into how you’re doing compared to them. You can also follow or run regular searches on your competitors to find out what’s working for them on Twitter and get ideas for your own campaigns.

Twitter, like any other form of customer communication, is not a set-it-and-forget-it platform. You’ll get far better results from your efforts if you know who your followers are, along with their interests, locations, and other information.

By spending the time to segment your audience and learn what they need, you’ll be able to provide highly tailored messages that stand a better chance of hitting their mark.

About the Author: Freelance blogger Angie Mansfield covers a variety of subjects for small business owners. From business growth to marketing to personal reputation, her work will give you tips to keep your business running smoothly.

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One Reply

  1. After Facebook Twitter is the best Social media, Not only for funny and some thing like but Google + and twitter also help blogger for higher ranking in search result. On the other hand Twitter follower are also important. ,

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