Hottest News on Social Media

Funeral Industry Not Dying With Social Media

  • August 1st, 2013 by SEM Contributor
In a way, it’s hard to connect funeral homes with social media, but in another way, not so difficult at all. Many people use social media to connect with friends and family, in fact, that’s how most people use it, and in the sad instance of a funeral, loved ones want to connect. Funeral homes are witnessing a trend of… Read more

Can Your Social Media Profile Be Insured? Is This The Future?

  • April 11th, 2012 by SEM Contributor
Social media websites like Facebook and Twitter are quickly proving to be more than simple interactive websites – they are emerging as some of the most important social soapboxes that have ever existed. With this type of heavy use and popularity come issues of liability and responsibility and, believe it or not, it would seem that social media liability insurance… Read more

What Happens to Your Facebook Profile When You Die?

  • May 4th, 2010 by Bethany North
This is a deep and profound question, but we all understand that death is a fact of life. With the day and age of social media addiction, you may be wondering what would happen to your Facebook and other online profiles if you were to suddenly kick the bucket. Even more so, what if a close friend or family member… Read more