Hottest News on Social Media

Tweeting Could Land You In Jail!

ck-socialmedia-and-the-law-1If you think that social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter are just a little bit of fun – think again!

An errant post which is offensive, rude, or designed to try and provoke a reaction (even if you’re not being serious) could land you in jail for anything from six months to ten years for the most serious cases. You only need to send a total of two messages like this in order for it to be considered harassment, so think seriously about what you’re about to say before you post it online. Even if you’re only joking, you could get in trouble with the law!

For example, following delays at the Robin Hood airport as a result of the heavy snowfall, a disgruntled passenger tweeted that he would blow the airport sky high unless they got things together. This quick quip led to his arrest as the tweet aroused suspicion of a communicating a bomb hoax. The man was later bailed after six hours of questioning, and having his phone and computer confiscated for a brief period of time.

Tolerance for acts such as this on social media is at an all-time low, so the next time you’re feeling frustrated, stop and think for a minute before turning to social media to vent your frustrations. You never know what kind of hot water it’ll land you in.

Via Cartwright King Solicitors

Posted in Social Networking.

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