Hottest News on Social Media

Free Video Streaming Sites Besides YouTube

  • March 24th, 2011 by SEM Contributor
YouTube dominates the world of online video sharing.  Unfortunately, most of the videos uploaded to the site are (frankly) not worth watching.  Sure, there is an occasional viral video that catches the eye of millions, but most are of no interest to a mainstream audience. That’s a shame for those YouTubers who come to the site to watch music videos,… Read more

4 Most Promising Video Start-Ups of 2010

  • November 23rd, 2010 by SEM Contributor
Anyone who has been to a web-centric conference lately will have a list of the most impressive ventures and companies currently on the net. One name that has consistently held a note of both interest and excitement has been Y Combinator, with their startups that have been based on the theory that smaller amounts of seed money can be applied… Read more