Hottest News on Social Media

Nine Digital Ways to Be a ‘Social Hero’ in 2012

  • January 26th, 2012 by SEM Contributor
In the digital world it is a lot easier to do something good for someone else. It’s still early enough in the year to get into new habits that benefit others and make you feel good about yourself. These days, you can make the effort with just a few clicks from your computer. The Internet and all the ways we… Read more

Is Social Media Trustbait the Future ?

  • January 17th, 2011 by Cijo Abraham Mani
There has been lot of changes in the search industry during 2010. The key term we heard during 2010 was “Social Media Optimization/Social Media Marketing”. We are now onto 2011 and social media marketing is to grow much more as search engines have started to give importance to social media links. The social media links needs trustbait rather than linkbait.… Read more