Hottest News on Social Media

Social Sites Look to Make the Grade With Students

  • January 24th, 2014 by SEM Contributor
Social media and college kids – they go together. So why shouldn’t businesses target their marketing efforts to college kids through social media? It’s becoming more and more common, as well as more and more effective. A hugely successful marketing campaign via social network was Target’s back to school campaign this past fall. Through social media sites including Twitter, Instagram,… Read more

Master Handling Social Media for Your Education Needs

  • January 6th, 2014 by SEM Contributor
Social media isn’t just for staying in touch with your high school friends anymore. Professionals use it to network and promote themselves and their businesses, to find new jobs and follow careers. Students use it to find colleges and programs, follow teachers and work on projects. It’s also helpful in furthering education and can be a smart tool to use… Read more