Hottest News on Social Media

LifeBrixx: What Bricks Build Your Life?

  • September 30th, 2010 by Ann Smarty
When social networking first arrived on the web it was all about connecting with people you know, in order to share interesting content and experiences with each other. This form of networking encouraged the growth of platforms such as Facebook and Twitter, enabling them to become ways in which people could easily interact on mass with their families, friends and… Read more

Is Twitter The Right Place For a Marriage Proposal?

  • December 10th, 2009 by Ann Smarty
It is no secret that Twitter has taken the world by storm, especially since you can turn on the TV at any moment to see a celebrity (like P.Diddy) asking you to follow them on Twitter. What gives? Twitter is a wildly popular social media site, and it is used by many businesses, as well as average consumers, to connect… Read more