Hottest News on Social Media

Social Media Compliance and Financial Planners

  • October 30th, 2012 by SEM Contributor
It is understood that compliance in the financial industry is one of the costs of doing business. Compliance covers all areas of business and is designed to protect both the financial planner and their clients. Recently, with the onrush of social media, compliance has had to broaden its boundaries to address potential problems inherent in this medium. Social Media is Read more

Creditors Now Check Social Media

  • June 1st, 2010 by Bethany North
If you have been trying to turn a blind eye on your behavior in social media, now it is time to face the music. Everyone out there has the ability to access what you discuss and do online, especially with the more popular websites, like Twitter and Facebook. Yes, much of your social media information is accessible, especially if your… Read more