Hottest News on Social Media

Can I Keep My Kids Safe on Social Media?

  • April 10th, 2013 by SEM Contributor
Social media is where it is now. You can’t keep your kids away from it. But you can teach them to be smart about it, because unfortunately, story after story tells us that bad things can happen on social media. So how do you let your kids keep up with everything digitally and socially while keeping them safe at the… Read more

Social Networking for Tweens

  • December 20th, 2011 by SEM Contributor
Tweens There is a particular age when children may not be little kids anymore but are not yet considered teenagers. This in-between age group is known as tweens. Tweens can also be called a tweenager. More specifically a tween is a child between the ages of eight and 12. A tweenager is a more specific age group consisting of 10… Read more

Dizeo Presents: Child Safe Social Media

  • September 20th, 2010 by Ann Smarty
In a world where parents often don’t find out about popular websites until their children have already stopped using them, many are concerned about the unrestricted flow of information now available to young children, as well as the safety issues raised by allowing them unrestricted access to social areas of the net. Dizeo is hoping to help alleviate some of… Read more