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First Lady’s First Tweet

Recently at the White House Correspondents Association Dinner, White House Correspondent Ed Henry had the opportunity to rub shoulders with the likes of JayLeno, teen sensation Justin Beiber and, of course, the President and First Lady.

While secretly ‘tweeting’, First Lady Mrs. Obama struck up a conversation and confessed to never having ‘tweeted’ before. Having all the ducks in order and with the permission of Press Secretary Robert Gibbs Mrs. Obama sent her first tweet.

Mr. Henry got clearance from Press Secretary Robert Gibbs and sent a tweet saying, “I am trying to coax First Lady to do her first ever tweet. Gibbs @presssec just gave his blessing”, to alert Mrs. Obama’s staff that the tweet was forthcoming.

Unsure how to type on an iPhone, Mr. Henry typed as Mrs. Obama dictated.  The First Lady’s first tweet:

“from flotus: here at dinner this is officially my first Tweet. I am looking forward to some good laughs from the potus and jay”.

Flotus, of course, is the First Lady of the United States. Many followers were amused that Mrs. Obama referred to her husband as potus (President of the United States) and retweeted it immediately.

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