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Does Twitter Really Tap Into World’s Emotion State?

twitter emotion detectorThe larger public is already aware that many marketing companies tap into the vast world of social media to find new avenues to sell their goods and services to the public.

For years now, it’s been one of the premier ways for companies to tap into the mood of consumers. They’ve used it to glean important information such as interests, purchases, and trends, but apparently is it also telling of the world’s emotional state. Right now, not only marketers but also scientists are using Twitter as a way to ascertain the overall mood of the planet.

A Window to the World

It seems as though social media has become a window into the minds of millions of people and currently, markets, pollsters, and social scientists, are using it as a way to gauge the emotional state of America’s citizenry. It’s all a part of a complex algorithm that pulls in millions of posts every day on the social media forum, Twitter, and part of a larger experiment that’s trying to track the changing moods of people during the entire course of a day. The program that’s being used by researchers tracks key works that show up most commonly in updates. It looks for works with negative connotations like, afraid, fear, and angry. It’s believed that this approach will be able to effectively tap into the social mood of a nation, and eventually the planet.

It’s not an exact science and it takes into account the many posts that are put up on Twitter every day. It’s not being done to figure out the most popular viral video of the day and is more about trying to understand the economic and emotional state of the public. Social media seems the best way to do this given that individuals post and interact with each other on a very personal level through these social avenues. The public updates the goings-on of their day from their computer, Android Phone, and other mobile devices.


Some say that this isn’t an altogether accurate representation of a nation’s mood given that the program doesn’t take into account the use of sarcasm of humor. Either way, it’s likely that similar tools will be used as a way to better market products and gauge the state of the economy, as well as consumer spending. If the world continues to use social media at such a large scale, we’re probably going to see more concentrated efforts to find a way to get into the mind of consumers and citizens.

Read more articles from Damian Davila at here.

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