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Social Networking Marketing Tips For Business

social-networking2014 is the year that social media and SEO become one; no successful SEO campaign will exclude using social networks. As a business, you have to cater to the unprecedented number of consumers using mobile devices.

Mobile consumers prefer to hear marketing messages in small, manageable bits, which is exactly how social media networks deliver messages. In addition, Google’s Hummingbird update places emphasis on informative content, not long articles stuffed with keywords.

Consequently, social media content is both SEO-friendly and exactly what people want today.

Google+ Marketing Tips

Businesses providing a local service cannot afford to ignore Google+. Google Local, one of the most popular ways people search for local businesses, uses Google+; it’s now called Google+ Local.

For example, if your business is a personal injury law firm using Google+ Local, people searching for a personal injury lawyer in their community would see your business listing and they could read reviews of your law firm from other Google+ users. Potential clients can read and share your Google+ posts from your Google+ Local listing or click through to your website for more information.

Using Facebook as a Promotion Tool

Facebook Fan Pages are ideal for promoting your business. Set one up using your business name and include keywords in your description that consumers would use if they were using a Facebook search or a search engine to find your business. Post content that is engaging and will establish your business as an authority in your industry.

Don’t make your Facebook content available only to fans or force users to sign in to see your content by adding geographic or age restrictions unless your content is exclusively for adults. Google now indexes Fan Pages but placing restrictions on who sees your content keeps Google from indexing your Facebook Fan Page since the spiders they use to crawl the Internet cannot sign in to Facebook.

Other Social Media Networks

Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, Pinterest and other social media networks are valuable marketing tools but you only have so much time to devote to social media marketing.

Identify your target audience and then find the social media networks where your target audience hangs out. Every major social media network posts statistics about their users typical age and gender; use these to decide where to allocate your limited resources.

Re-sharing Content on Social Networking

Managing multiple social media networks and creating content that people want to read and share is time-consuming. If you’re creating high quality, evergreen content, you can re-share the content every year since new followers rarely read archived posts. Only certain content qualifies for re-posting; a personal injury law firm should re-post an article about when to consult a personal injury attorney but not re-share an article discussing lawsuits or verdicts that are no longer relevant to followers.

Google indexes Google+ posts, YouTube videos and Facebook Fan Page posts. Bing’s webmaster tools now let you add your social media pages to the search engine and track their performance. No SEO campaign in 2014 is complete without using social media to give you more exposure on the major search engines. In addition, each time you link to your website from your social media page, you’re creating a quality backlink. Don’t miss out on your chance to connect with potential customers or clients, take advantage of the social media networks free tools and start promoting your business today.

Christopher Steven is an artist, techie, and avid blogger who blogs to encourage sound internet marketing practices and small business to business networking. Christopher blogs with the Gorospe & Smith Tulsa Personal Injury Lawyer Firm website out of Tulsa, Oklahoma.

Posted in Social Networking.

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