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5 Ways to Get More Traffic from Facebook

So you’ve got a blog and you’ve also got Facebook profile. You realize that you’ve got lots of friends and fans in Facebook who don’t know about your blog. This gets you thinking. You add in the fact that there are 100 million people signed up with Facebook around the world and suddenly you realize – I should somehow connect my blog to Facebook!

But how do you do that? How can you harness the power of Facebook and get more traffic to your blog?

Well, here is a list of 5 ways you can use Facebook to increase the traffic to your blog. It doesn’t matter if you’re letting your friends, family or business connections know about your blog. These methods work for all kinds of traffic.

Simple Facebook Connect – This is a plugin that has a wide range of expandability and functionality – much like WordPress. Start by installing this plugin and then adding on the features that you may want or need. Perhaps one of the best functions of this plugin is the ability to automatically publish new posts to your Facebook Profile or Fan Page. This by itself is worth the price of admission.

Status Press Widget – Helping to bridge the gap between your Facebook page and your blog, this plugin allows your Facebook status updates to be displayed on your blog. Once installed you will have to go through a few quick steps to connect them, but once installed it should work like a charm.

– Integrating with Facebook Share, this simple little plugin will allow visitors to your blog to easily share your posts to their Facebook accounts, thereby letting all the people they know about your blog. A simple little button is added to your blog so all someone has to do is click it so your post is sent to their account where they can easily tell their friends about it. They tell 10 of their friends and their friends tell 10 of their friends and so on and so on.

Wordbook – Letting people on Facebook see your blog posts is probably the most powerful way to drive traffic from Facebook to your blog. This plugin does just that. It allows new posts you make on your blog to show up on your Facebook Wall. Your most recent posts will be able to be seen by all your friends and Facebook contacts.

Add To Facebook – Similar to QuailPress but operating in a slightly different manner, Add To Facebook simply adds a link to the bottom of a current post or article. This link allows visitors and readers of your blog to share the article with all the friends they have on Facebook. The more people know about your blog, the more people will visit.

The most powerful effect of having Facebook users being able to connect to your blog is the ability to increase your readership and spread the word about your blog. By installing these 5 plugins to your WordPress blog you will open up many avenues for this to happen and increase the traffic to your blog from Facebook.

Louise Baker writes for Zen College Life, the premier blog about getting an online degree. She most recently wrote about the top ranked online schools.

Posted in Social Networking.

7 Replies

  1. Great info, thanks for bringing these tools to the forefronts

  2. wow.. a great tip :)

  3. There are a lot of plugins that I use on a regular basis and there are a few gems that have been shared in this post.
    Thank you very much! :)

  4. Great tips mate ! i like that SIMPLE FACEBOOK CONNECT

  5. Man this will help me greatly. I am just starting to use facebook and this article really makes sense.

  6. This information is great. It will help me move into the social media network. Facebook seems to be a great way to help get your blog out there.

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